Payment Route

A Payment Route is an integral part of our platform's payment processing system. It consists of a list of payment providers available to process a payment. However, the selection of a particular payment provider from this list is guided by specific requirements, such as:

  1. Card Country: The country where the card was issued.
  2. Currency: The specific currency in which the payment is to be made.
  3. Card Brand: The brand of the card being used for payment (Visa, MasterCard, etc.).

There are two types of Payment Routes you can configure:

1. Indexed Route

In this type, payment providers are sorted based on an 'index'. The platform attempts to process the payment first with the provider having the lowest index. If the provider is unavailable or if its transaction limits have been reached, the platform automatically falls back to the provider with the next lowest index, and so forth. This method ensures a sequential approach to payment processing.

2. Distribution Route

In a Distribution Route, you can specify distribution proportions between your payment providers. The platform will then distribute payment requests among the providers according to these specified proportions. In case a provider is unable to process a payment or has exhausted its limits, the platform will resort to the fall back strategy and use the next provider based on the distribution proportions.

The Payment Route configuration provides flexibility to your payment processing approach and helps in ensuring successful transactions. By carefully setting your route, you can optimize your transaction success rate and manage your transaction load across multiple providers.